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Avenue of Service:  Membership
Director: Steve Gardner
Membership and Eligibility Committee
1.  Determine the eligibility of proposed members.
2.  Keep club members apprised of open classifications.
Action Plan:
A.  Maintain and update membership roster and vocational classification list
B. Update an introductory brochure about Ada Sunrise Rotary Club as needed.
C.  Organize a "Focus on Membership" program during 2016
D.  Accept membership proposals and determine eligibility through consultation with club members; present application to Board of Directors for approval.
E.  Coordinate with New Member Orientation Committee to mentor new members.
Attendance Committee
Chair:  Yvonne Bedford
Members: Shirley Mixon, Leslie Mitchell
Objective:  To increase our current attendance percentages for 2016-17.
Action Plan:
A.  Emphasize the importance of attendance through periodic mention in the weekly bulletin
B.  Record and update individual attendance in Club Runner
C.  Publish make-up opportunities
D.  Maintain weekly reports of make-ups in the weekly bulletin
New Member Orientation Committee
Chair:  Suzanne McFarlane
Members:  Bob Greenstreet, Steve Gardner, Susie Overturf
Objective:  To increase member awareness of Rotary service and programs on local district, and international levels.
Action Plan:
A.  Update Rotary information programs and PowerPoint for new members
B.  Develop an Orientation Packet for new and other interested members.
C.  Recognize new members and sponsors at club meetings.
D.  Assign each new member to a committee and orient him/her to committee responsibilities
D.  Coordinate with the Eligibility Committee to mentor new members.
Vocational Awareness Committee
Chair:  David Crisp
Other Members:  John Paul Hawk, Hicks Smith III
Objectives:  To foster and encourage the service of Rotary both inside and outside the local club
Action Plan: 
A.  Display the "Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions at each member's workplace.
B.  Establish a practice of presenting speakers with a letter and information about Rotary International & Ada Sunrise Rotary Club along with a 4-Way Test coin
C.  Arrange for the club to meet once each quarter at a business location other than the regular meeting place.
Club Service:
Director:  Christine Pappas
Club Bulletin Committee
Chair Christine Pappas
1.  Write, print, and distribute a weekly club bulletin that informs members about Rotary International and local club news.
2.  Stimulate interest in club activities
3.  Promote fellowship and participation in club projects
Action Plan
A.  Continue a weekly club bulletin that does the following:
1.  Stimulate interest in club activities and promotes attendance
2.  Announces the program of the upcoming meeting and relates highlights of the previous meeting
3.  Promotes fellowship
4.  Contributes to the Rotary education of all members
5.  Reports news of the club and board members, its members and the worldwide Rotary program.