Ada Sunrise Rotary Announces Back to School Basics Teacher Grants
Back to School Basics Teacher Grants
In Fall 2024, Ada Sunrise Rotary Club will disburse at least $1000 from the Back to School Basics program.
Projects will be evaluated by a committee using a rubric that considers: 1) Goal Alignment and Impact, 2) Innovation and Feasibility, 3) Budget and Planning. Grant proposals may be partially funded. The rubric may be viewed at the bottom of this form.
Funds may be requested for the following:
- Instructional materials such as science kits, art kits, books, workbooks
- School supplies
- Bus for field trip, expenses such as tickets or entrance fees
- Equipment
The Ada Sunrise Rotary Board of Directors will make the final decisions based on the committee’s recommendations.
The deadline for fall applications will be September 1. The deadline for spring applications will be February 1.
If possible, the items will be purchased by Ada Sunrise Rotary directly, such as through Amazon Wishlist.
Any funds not expended on the project will be returned to Ada Sunrise Rotary Club.
To apply, please fill out this Google Form: