Morning at PAWS Christine Pappas 2024-07-27 05:00:00Z 0
Fireball Classic QR Code Christine Pappas 2024-05-29 05:00:00Z 0

Candidate Forum June 4

Candidate Forum Set for June 4
Candidates for Oklahoma House and Oklahoma Senate will speak on June 4 at 6:30 p.m. at a candidate forum at East Central University. The event will be in the Estep Room of the Bill S. Cole University Center.
The primary election for House District 25 and Senate District 13 will be on June 18. Because all of the candidates are Republican, the outcome of these races will be decided by the primary election. The objective of the candidate forum is to provide citizens an opportunity to hear from the candidates and meet them face to face.
The candidate forum will begin with Senate candidates. The incumbent is Sen. Greg McCortney. He is being challenged by Jonathan Wingard and Rob Crowley. From about 6:30-7:30 p.m. these candidates will make opening statements and answer three questions from a moderator.
House candidates are incumbent Rep. Ronny Johns. He is being challenged by Robert Burch. From about 7:30-8:30 p.m. these candidates make opening statements and answer three questions from a moderator.
The candidate forum is sponsored by Ada Sunrise Rotary Club and ECU’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society. For more information, contact Christine Pappas at
After the forum, candidates will be available to answer additional questions from voters. The event will be livestreamed on Ada Sunrise Rotary Club’s facebook page and will be recorded for later viewing to be posted at
Candidate Forum June 4 Christine Pappas 2024-05-29 05:00:00Z 0

Rummage Sale

Sunrise Rotary held a rummage sale on May 4, 2024 at St. Luke's. We raised over $800 to donate to the Rotary Foundation. Thank you to all who donated, volunteered their time, or helped clean us up after.
Rummage Sale cps 2024-05-12 05:00:00Z 0

District Training

Many of our members attended District Conference in Durant, Oklahoma. The conference was held at the Choctaw Resort in Durant, April 26-28, 2024. It was an eventful 3 days and we were proud to represent Ada Sunrise Rotary. We also were recognized as a club that contributed to Polio Plus during the 2022-2023 year and we presented a certificate for that recognition.
District Training cps 2024-05-12 05:00:00Z 0

1st Annual Fishing Derby

Ada Sunrise Rotary Club kicked off the spring with our 1st Annual Fishing Derby. Shirley Mixon took home the prize for the most fish by catching 15. Thank you to the Halls for hosting!

1st Annual Fishing Derby 2023-05-05 05:00:00Z 0
Ada Sunrise Rotary Club Supports Scissortail Passport Rotary Club ccp 2023-04-15 05:00:00Z 0

Fireball Classic - July 4, 2023

Planning is Underway for the 2023 Fireball Classic on July 4!
Contact Christine Pappas at for more information!
Fireball Classic 2023
Fireball Classic - July 4, 2023 ccp 2023-04-15 05:00:00Z 0
Missed the Meeting 2020-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

Field Trip to Cedar Valley Nurseries

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The mission to plant a tree for each member came within our grasp today thanks to Mark and Tabitha West at Cedar Valley Nurseries at Ada, OK.  They gave us a tour of the properties and gave us all a tree to plant.  There were door prizes with some beautiful flowers.  
Field Trip to Cedar Valley Nurseries 2018-04-28 05:00:00Z 0

Fireball Classic Memorial 2018

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51th Annual Fireball Classic Memorial
Thanks to all of our sponsors and runners.
Race Maps for 2018 including Half Marathon
We want to congratulate the following time records set at this years race:
10K time 36:46 Ashley Carreon
1/2 Marathon Male time 1:20:22 Chase McMichael
1/2 Marathon Female time 1:38:38 Susan Cope


Fireball Classic Memorial 2018 susie 2018-04-26 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary District 5770 Grant

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The Ada Sunrise Rotary Club received a $2,400 grant from the District and kicked in $600 to provide science equipment to Washington Elementary at Ada, Oklahoma. Below pictures of Shirley Mixon and Christine Pappas reading to the students.                     
Rotary District 5770 Grant 2017-02-21 06:00:00Z 0

Meeting at the Peace Pole

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After our meeting this morning Christine Pappas spoke to the group about our mission with the Peace Pole.  "If not me, who? and If not now, when? was the message. 
Meeting at the Peace Pole susie 2014-10-24 00:00:00Z 0
Humanity in Motion "This Close" Nancy Thomason 2012-03-01 00:00:00Z 0
Giving Oklahoma Women a Chance M. Susie Overturf 2011-05-13 15:24:36Z 0

Rotary Membership Challenge Begins...Cathy Battles, Membership Chair Kicks-Off 'Bring a Friend day"

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on May 13, 2011
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Cathy Battles, board member and membership chair, welcomes members to 'Bring-a-Friend' to the Friday, August 20th meeting.  Members of the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club will kick-off our annual membership drive with a bang this year!  Members earn points by * thinking of a prospective member to invite to Rotary * by talking to non-members about Rotary * by inviting non-members to Rotary * points are also earned when invitees attend a Rotary meeeting and finally *members receive points when prospective members are inducted as members. 

Bob Greenstreet and Michael Graham, Ada Sunrise Rotarians, have set the example of how to recruit and propose prospective members.  Bob ushers in new member, Dr. Christine Pappas as well as assisting with the re-instatement of former member, Dr. Shirley Mixon.  Outstanding, Bob!!!  Michael, also joins Bob in kicking off the Bring-a-Friend Day by serving as sponsor to what will be the club's newest member, Tara Priest. Way to go Michael!

Go team Rotary! 

New Member Tara Priest and her Rotary sponsor Michael Graham!  

Rotary Membership Challenge Begins...Cathy Battles, Membership Chair Kicks-Off 'Bring a Friend day" J. Elaine Rhynes 2011-05-13 15:24:21Z 0

Jennifer Snell Classification

Posted by M. Susie Overturf on May 13, 2011
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Jennifer is a middle school teacher that is molding lives and motivating young people to be the best possible person they can be.
Jennifer Snell Classification M. Susie Overturf 2011-05-13 15:14:58Z 0

East Central University

Posted by M. Susie Overturf on May 13, 2011
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Dr. James Hargrave, and Dr. CJ Vires present the program April 30, 2010. Dr. Hargrave shared pending projects as well as recent updates at East Central University.
East Central University M. Susie Overturf 2011-05-13 15:14:38Z 0
Charlie Gibson wins 3rd Place for 4-Way Test Speech Cathy Battles 2011-04-29 00:00:00Z 0

ShelterBoxes for Haiti

Posted by M. Susie Overturf on Feb 14, 2011
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Our club, ECU Rotaract, and McLish elementary students help raise money to purchase ShelterBoxes for earthquake shaken Haiti.
ShelterBoxes for Haiti M. Susie Overturf 2011-02-14 19:45:53Z 0

Tyler Thompson, Wells Fargo Mortage Officer, to speak on Friday, October 22, 2010

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Oct 21, 2010
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Photograph features Tyler and his twin sisters.  Tyler is a native of Pontotoc County.  As a graduate of East Central University's School of Business, Tyler is equipped and ready to serve the community as a leading officer.  Tyler will share what's new in the market of lending and how you can benefit from upcoming deregulation issues.


Tyler Thompson, Wells Fargo Mortage Officer, to speak on Friday, October 22, 2010 J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-10-22 00:00:00Z 0
Four New Rotarians Inducted Friday, October 15, 2010 J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-10-15 00:00:00Z 0

Ada Sunrise Rotary Club - Literacy Project 2010

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Oct 11, 2010
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Rotarians: Jennifer Greenstreet, Guy Milner, Sue Milner, Cathy Battles, Michael Graham, Jack Green, Siham Ramadan, Elaine Rhynes gathered under the direction of LIteracy Committee Chair, Mary Pfeffer at Washington Grade Center in Ada to distribute dictionaries to the school's third grade population.  The students and faculty were excited to receive the dictionaries and the Rotarians were thrilled to be partnered with them in a way that will promote educational research and enhancement. 
Ada Sunrise Rotary Club - Literacy Project 2010 J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-10-12 00:00:00Z 0
Ada City Councilman Dick Scalf to speak on water related issues in Ada and Pontotoc County J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

Guy and Sue Milner are slated to host the October Happy Hour - October 8 @ 6 pm

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Oct 07, 2010

Bring your spouse or significant other along to this fun filled event.  Happy Hour is a great time to get to know the members you sit with each week but don' have an opportunity to visit with and share. 


More details about the event will be announced during our Friday, October 1 meeting.

Guy and Sue Milner are slated to host the October Happy Hour - October 8 @ 6 pm J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-10-08 00:00:00Z 0

Dr. John C. Siegle discusses health and wellness

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Sep 30, 2010

Dr. Siegle will share his new avenue of his Women's Health practice with the club on Friday, October 1 at 6:45 am.  Come hear how you can become the health individual you desire to be at this time in your life.  Read the article published in the Ada Evening News, August 31, 2010: - Ada, Oklahoma

August 31, 2010

Doctor to start new health and wellness program

Justin Lofton Staff Writer
Ada Evening News

Ada — After practicing obstetrics, gynecology and delivering babies for more than 20 years, Dr. John Siegle of Ada’s Women’s Health Center said he is now seeing both male and female patients for health and wellness.

He has stopped doing obstetrics and delivering babies, he said, but he will continue to do gynecology and surgery.

“I was looking to expand the practice and do other things as far as healthcare is concerned,” he said.  “About a year and a half ago, we started into a wellness and weight management practice.”

Siegle said he feels medicine is changing to encourage wellness and more preventative medicine rather than acting after the problem presents itself.  One of these problems, he said, is that 73 percent of Americans are overweight.

“Our approach to healthy lifestyle is not very good.  We need to change our approach with regard to our eating habits and our overall approach to fitness,” Siegle said.

He said some of his patients have lost up to 70 pounds on the program.

“I’ve done surgery for years but if you can get someone to lose weight, you can do them a much bigger favor than what surgery does,” he said.  “It’s been really special to see people take off tremendous amounts of weight.”

He said his health and wellness practice has been as rewarding as any part of medicine he’s practiced.

Siegle’s approach includes natural remedies such as amino acids and herbal supplements, diet pills, and the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Diet Guide.

“We’re also using some wellness products that improve health care.  Some of the products include a high-grade Omega 3 fish oil,” he said.  “In addition to that, we use the enzyme CoQ10, which is an energy enzyme.”

He said he has been giving talks around town at local churches and businesses regarding weight management.  He said he’s interested in talking to any group that wants to learn about wellness and weight loss.

Siegle said he’s also started a free walking program at Wintersmith Park at 6 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  He said anyone is welcome to show up and join the walkers.  He said his approach is similar to Forrest Gump’s.

“I’m just going to start walking,” he said.

Dr. John C. Siegle discusses health and wellness J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-10-01 00:00:00Z 0

Susie Overturf presents her classification speech!

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Sep 23, 2010

Susie Overturf shared her life, educational and vocational experiences with the Club on Friday, September 24, 2010.  Among highlights Susie shared stories of her childhood from McCloud, Oklahoma.  Susie, a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a degree in Accounting as well as a Technology Education Degree from East Central University has spent the majority of her vocational career as an Oklahoma teacher.  Susie presently serves as the Information Technology Director at Pontotoc Technology Center in Ada. 


Susie married her college sweetheart, Gene Overturf during her early years at Oklahoma State University.  Susie and Gene have spent the majority of their marriage in Pontotoc County.  They are the parents of two children; Amy and Mandy.  Amy and her husband are the proud parents of the Overturf's two grandchildren: Payton and Garrett.  Mandy lives in Norman and also works for the technology system in Oklahoma.


Gene and Susie share a love of farming and have committed their family time to working and playing together on their local farm.  Pecans and cattle are the commodity of choice for the Overturfs.  Susie also assist in heading up the Club's pecan fundraiser each fall.


Susie is a long-time member of the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club having served in many director/committee assignments.  Susie has also served as the President of the Club and was honored with Rotary of the Year as well. 


We are pleased that Susie has selected the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club for our community and civic connection.

Susie Overturf presents her classification speech! J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-09-24 00:00:00Z 0

Dr. Jack Green joins Ada Sunrise Rotary Club - September 10, 2010

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Sep 09, 2010
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Welcome Dr. Green...learn more about why Dr. Green chose Rotary as his civic club connection...



Dr. Jack Green, assistant professor of education at East Central University, is the son of

Ms. Teresa Green and the late Worth Green, Jr. He is married to his high-school sweet-heart, the

former Meredith Lee, and they have one daughter, Morgan Grace.

He previously served as assessment coordinator for teacher education at Missouri Southern

State University in Joplin, Missouri. During his tenure at Southern, Jack served as part of a

teaching and leadership team that successfully completed their state and national accreditation



Prior to serving at Missouri Southern, Jack served as an assistant middle school principal

for the Joplin Public Schools and for the Norman Public Schools. Prior to serving as an assistant

principal, he served at Norman High School as site coordinator of athletics, site technology

contact, chair of the business education department, and as a business/computer science teacher.

Jack graduated from Joplin High School and then earned his Bachelor’s degree in business

education from Missouri Southern State University, his Master’s degree in educational leadership

from Southern Nazarene University, and his Doctor of Education degree from Saint Louis




Jack chose to become an educator in order to serve, to teach, and because of the profound

impact many of his teachers, coaches, and principals had on his life. As a result, he aspires to serve

as a positive influence in the lives of his family, students, and colleagues.

Dr. Jack Green joins Ada Sunrise Rotary Club - September 10, 2010 J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-09-10 00:00:00Z 0

District Governor Glenda Thomas will share her vision for the district with the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club - September 10, 2010

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Sep 09, 2010
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A message from Governor Thomas - taken from the District 5770 webpage located at


Fellow Rotarians, "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page" - -Augustine (354-430 A.D.) It is with great joy that I embark on this year-long adventure as District 5770 Governor. I am honored to serve during 2010-2011. As I have traveled across the state of Oklahoma, throughout the United States and to countries abroad, every Rotarian I meet shares a common commitment to the 4-Way Test. This is a set of ethics that binds us in our efforts to improve the lives of those we meet locally and those we serve around the world. Ray Klinginsmith, Rotary International President 2010-2011, has chosen the theme "Building Communities and Bridging Continents." For District 5770, I have added the words "Making Connections". I want to emphasize that the Rotarians we meet throughout our district allow us to make Connections that will aid us as we build our communities and bridge continents. An important part of accomplishing our goals is training. Opportunities for Rotarians in leadership abound through Lone Star PETS, District Leadership Training, District Assembly, Membership and Foundation Seminars. Club Officers are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to "connect" with leaders throughout the district and equip themselves for the position in which they have been chosen to serve. The fellowship among Rotarians in our district and beyond generates an energy that propels us to accomplish great things—such as the eradication of polio, clean water and decreased hunger. Across the continents, we increase world understanding of cultures through Peace Scholars, Group Study Exchange and Youth Exchange. I am anticipating great things during 2010-2011. Let's begin to "make connections" immediately as we move forward in "Building Communities - Bridging Continents."


Glenda Thomas



District Governor Glenda Thomas will share her vision for the district with the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club - September 10, 2010 J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-09-10 00:00:00Z 0

Jarred Clark to be inducted Friday, September 10

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Sep 08, 2010
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Meet Jarred Clark.  Jarred will join the Rotary family on Friday, September 10, 2010. 


Jarred is originally from Purcell,Oklahoma.  He graduated from Lexington High School in the top ten percent of his class. Jarred attended East Central University for four years and earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in finance.  Jarred started working at Vision Bank, as a teller, while attending the university. He is now a Consumer Loan Officer at Vision Bank. Jarred is currently attending East Central to achieve a masters degree in Sports Administration. When my banking days are over I hope to be an athletic director or some other form of administration in collegiate athletics.


Jarred and his beautiful wife, Jill Clark, ECU dance coach, are proud parents of a two year old son. 

Jarred Clark to be inducted Friday, September 10 J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-09-09 00:00:00Z 0

Fire Training Academy located at the Pontotoc Technology Center in Ada

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Sep 02, 2010

Mr. Benny Cope shared the development of a local Fire Training Academy located at the Pontotoc County Technology Center.  Mr. Cope explained the process each candidate must complete in order to receive the training certification. 


Mr. Cope indicated that candidates are accepted from a pool of individuals both from the private sector and from Oklahoma fire departments within the region.  Individuals seeking placement in a fire safety and prevention vocation may apply individually to receive the training and expedite their process of job placement.


Additionally, Mr. Cope indicated that volunteer firemen are also trained at the site. 


For more information regarding the Pontotoc Technology Center Fire Training Academy contact Mr. Benny Cope at 580.310.2276 or by e-mailing him at


Fire Training Academy located at the Pontotoc Technology Center in Ada J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-09-03 00:00:00Z 0

Gina Stowers, Ada Main Street Director to Share Vision of Ada Main Street Friday, August 27 @ 6:45 am

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Aug 26, 2010
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 Join the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club in welcoming Ms. Gina Stower, Ada Main Street Director, as the featured presenter on Friday, August 27.  Gina will share a small sampling of Ada Main Street's history as well as what we can expect in the near future. Come learn more about your community. 

Ada Main Street received its Main Street designation in 1987. The program is for the use and benefit of the citizens of Ada and the surrounding trade area. Its purpose is to promote economic growth and well-being of Ada, preserve and improve the historic value of its downtown, create a quality business environment for both the business and the consumer, and to be an ever expanding informational resource for the downtown area.


      Contact Information:  Gina Stowers, Ada Main Street Director

                                       114 S Rennie - Ada, OK 74820

                                       (580) 436-1600



Gina Stowers, Ada Main Street Director to Share Vision of Ada Main Street Friday, August 27 @ 6:45 am J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-08-27 00:00:00Z 0

Valley View Regional Hospital's Mary Krause, Certified Public Accountant, Chief Financial Officer

Posted by J. Elaine Rhynes on Aug 05, 2010
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August 6, 2010, Mary Krause presented an outstanding program focusing on Valley View Regional Hospitals progressive move into the future.

Among the Valley View Regional Highlights, Mary shared the past, the present and the future of Valley View Regional Hospital:



  • Valley View moved under the administrative leadership of Mercy
  • Valley View suffered from financial woes over the past several year



  • Through supports of the community as well as the innovative management of Mercy, Valley View is now operating as a fiscally fit 501(c)3
  • Valley View continues to update their faciities, equipment and personnel to meet the growing demands of healthcare in a rural community
  • Introduction of an increased number of hospitalist ensures better continum of care for Valley View's patients
  • Oncology department has recently been renovated to better serve patients
  • Valley View continues to maintain a high quality care for their patients
  • Valley View will make the final payment on the 27 year plus bond agreement~ the pay-off will be made EARLY~a community celebration is planned for September.
  • Valley View recognizes their many partners within the community



  • Valley View is in the process of going 'paperless' a project that will enable better services and processing
  • Valley View maintains its independent board of directors for the Valley View Authority as well as the Valley View Regional Hospital
  • The opportunity to continue a management relationship with Mercy will be considered after the first three year stint
  • The new healthcare bill will effect all Americans seeking healthcare in the future.
  • Valley View Regional Hospital will assist in educating the public, preparing their staff and ensuring the best possible medical care in a rural healthcare setting along federal and state healthcare guidelines as imposed by the new healthcare legislation.
  • Valley View continues to recognize the many valuable partnerships within the local community making Ada and rural healthcare strong in the area
  • To learn more about Valley View Regional Hospital view their website at:


Valley View Regional Hospital continues to employ qualifed, competent, staff with the skills needed to face the ever-changing, complex world of healthcare in rural America.  Mary Krause, Certified Public Accountant, Chief Financial Officer, is among the highly qualifed staff of Valley View Regional Hospital.  Mary (Gallup) Krause spent most of her growing up years in Stratford, Oklahoma.  Mary graduated from Stratford High School and then moved to Nebraska to attend college and play basektball.  However, Mary left Nebraska and returned to Ada to complete her higher education at East Central University, completing a bachelors degree in Accounting.Following graduation at East Central University,


Mary received her CPA certificate and began work as a staff accountant for Horne & Company.  She later became the financial officer for Gallup Construction Company, Inc.   Mary went to work for Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. where she served as Vice President of Corporate Finance and Investor Relations for what is now a NYSE listed company.  She left Prepaid Legal and spent the next 12 years running her family owned business, Hart Tackle Company, Inc., a manufacturer of brand name fishing lures.  After selling the family business, Mary became Senior Vice President for Vision Bank and managed a $60,000,000 commercial loan portfolio. 


In August last year, she moved into the healthcare industry as Chief Financial Officer of Valley View Regional Hospital.  Mary speaks to many groups on a wide variety of small business and financial related topics.



Mary has 3 girls, 2 whom graduated from the University of Oklahoma and the youngest is a sophomore at Byng.



She currently serves as a board member of the Oklahoma Society of CPAs, Ada Jobs Foundation and the Ada Lion’s Club.  Mary is very active as a youth leader of St. Joseph’s Church. 

The Ada Sunrise Rotary is pleased to welcome Mary Krause at our August 6, 2010, program presenter.


Valley View Regional Hospital's Mary Krause, Certified Public Accountant, Chief Financial Officer J. Elaine Rhynes 2010-08-06 00:00:00Z 0

Mark Your Calendars!

Posted by M. Susie Overturf on Mar 31, 2010
Plan to attend the upcoming District 5770 Conference to be Friday, April 23 and Saturday, April 24
Mark Your Calendars! M. Susie Overturf 2010-04-01 00:00:00Z 0
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? M. Susie Overturf 2009-01-15 00:00:00Z 0
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? M. Susie Overturf 2009-01-15 00:00:00Z 0

Fireball Classic 2015--Thanks for another Great Year!

Posted by M. Susie Overturf
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The Fireball Classic Memorial 2015 Results

$1,000 paid out for a new record for the 10K race:
Men's Scott Smith (31:31) Women's: Ashley Miller (37:56)

$500 paid out for a new record for the 5K run:
Men's Ben Kip (15:00) and Amanda Goetschius (17:28)

We want to thank all the people that help with the race and the runners.  This race wouldn't happen without you.  The park looked great, Thank you, City of Ada employees.  


Results 2014

Pics to follow:



Fireball Classic 2015--Thanks for another Great Year! M. Susie Overturf 0
Follow the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club (ASRC) President on Twitter! Jack Green 0

Sunrise Matters Newsletter Available for Download

Posted by Jack Green

The first issue Sunrise Matters, the newsletter for the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club (ASRC), is now available for download and review.

Special thanks to club members for their time and effort in providing images, content, and expertise in preparing the document.

The file is titled "Sunrise Matters - 2012-13 Newsletter" can be accessed from the "Download" area located at the far right side of the web page.
Sunrise Matters Newsletter Available for Download Jack Green 0

Back to School Basics

Posted by M. Susie Overturf

Several members have been busy dispersing over 1,000 backpacks and 75 shoe cards from Payless Shoes.  All area schools received school supplies and backpacks for students that are in need.  The funds were raised by the Fireball Classic Memorial and other sponsorsBTB.  Thank you for volunteering with this major endeavor and participating in the race.

Back to School Basics M. Susie Overturf 0
RLYA Newsletter a New Generation Story M. Susie Overturf 0

Ada Sunrise Rotary Club Weekly Program Calendar Now Available!

Posted by Jack Green

Thanks to the work of club members, the weekly program calendar is now available for review online.

Please check back often to view the most updated document.

The file can be accessed from the "Download" area located at the far right side of the web page.


Ada Sunrise Rotary Club Weekly Program Calendar Now Available! Jack Green 0
Club Receives a District Simplified Grant M. Susie Overturf 0

Fireball Memorial Classic 2013!

Posted by M. Susie Overturf

Another one under our belts, here are some pictures and the results.  We have 558 registered runners and walkers!  Thank you to all the people working on teams and participating in some way with this race.  It went well and the weather was wonderful.  Profits go to our Back to School Basics to help area students.

Results of 2013 Race

Pictures from 2013 Fireball Classic

2013 Fireball Memorial Classic  July 4, Thursday, 7:00 am  

Wintersmith Lodge, 1701 Wintersmith Drive, Ada, OK 
Packet pickup and registration 5:30 am to 6:30 am
Color Guard presents 6:30 am
10K start 7:00 am
5K run and walk start 7:05 am
Kids fun run! Immediately following 5K start!!!
10K, 5K, and a 5K walk  Map of Course

Packet pickup and registration 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm July 3, Wednesday at Wintersmith Lodge!

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORTFireball Classic Memorial

Hotel Discount at LaQuinta use the code SPORT  


2011 Race Results 




Fireball Memorial Classic 2013! M. Susie Overturf 0